Monday, January 21, 2008

Nice use of timeouts!

The San Diego chargers managed to use timeouts worse than any team in the history of playoff football.

In the first half they reach the 35 yard line of New England with two timeouts and a boatload of momentum. The clock is approaching a minute. I'm yelling to my wife- call the timeout.

No the conserve the timeout and let the clock roll down to 45 seconds. Then a broken play. Now we're (I'm going by memory) at 38 seconds. Did I mention that it takes 7-10 seconds to run a play and that they were 1st and 10 from the New England 35. I thought I did. The timeout is called. Now out of the timeout they run a dump off pass to the 30 yard line. Then because the player doesn't get out of bounds they squander the last time out. What next well they can't run it now and they settle for a long field goal attempt. Did they take a shot at the end zone- nope!!!! Did I mention they were playing the undefeated Patriots. What do you have to lose my friends?

Second half. They call an early one because they can't decide what kind of play ot run on third a a yard. They come out get tackled for a loss and kick the field goals. Last time I checked field goals don't beat the Patriots. The next timeout. The defense couldn't get it's act together. Are you kidding me? At this point I began cheering for excellence instead of the underdog. When teams execute this poorly I don't like to see them win or get close. I like to pull for the underdog, but not in the name of bad football. Maybe next time Norv.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Here it is. The evangelicals and catholic conservatives in this country finally have a true blue candidate. One who stands up for the right to life and the common sense definition of marriage. We have a politician who has come up in this country by his own bootstraps, with little more than desire, hard work and leadership. We have a man who is congruent. When I say congruent I mean a man who says what he means, and means what he says. A man who doesn't apologize to every person he offends but one who does know his imperfections and has acknowledged mistakes. It's so refreshing to see a politician who isn't so worried about his electability. Mike Huckabee tries and sometimes he succeeds and sometimes he fails. Washington is full of people who do little so no one can hold them accountable. It reminds me a Proverbs 14:4 Where there are no oxen the manger is empty, but from the strength of the ox comes an abundant harvest. Maybe you like quotes better "a ship in the harbor is safe but ships were made for sailing".
When you're trying and doing you won't get everything right but you will gain wisdom and experience unlike those who are not tested in battle.

We have a man running for President who married his high school sweet heart. He not only married her but he stayed with her through spinal cancer early in her life. He helped nurse her back to health. A man who sold his guitar collection to buy his young wife a washer and dryer. A man who trained up three children in the ways of the Lord. A man who when faced with early death from Type II diabetes and obesity lost 110 lbs and changed the way his state thought about health and health care. His wife supported him through this trial as he had supported her early in their marriage. A marriage that spans 34 years by the way.

We have a man who spent part of his life in the ministry preaching the word. We have a man who the press likes to attack and ridicule because he is a Christian in more than name. We have a man who has said I do not care about the attacks and the scrutiny because you only catch flack when you're over the target. A man on the tonight show who said I take no offense to all the negative ads, if you can't stand the sight of your own blood then buy a ticket and watch the election from the sidelines.

We have a man running for President who plays bass guitar with an oldies band named Capital Offense. He hunts and fishes and loves watching sports on TV. We finally have a guy like you and I. Mike Huckabee went into Politics in Arkansas and he governed. He governed his people like governors are supposed to govern. He was reelected over and over and served for over 10 years. His support was widespread and spanned races, creeds, and party lines.

Mike Huckabee is running an amazing campaign. They say he not a fiscal conservative. They say it over and over. He has less money than any other candidate. He has less staff and advisers than any other candidate. Yet he marches on with grassroots support, only spending what he raises. Not borrowing into the future to finance his campaign. He campaign is a great model for how to run a business, a household and a government. Want another great examples. When Mike Huckabee was Governor of Arkansas he decided against a plush homestead while the governors mansion was renovated. Instead he and Janet brought in a triple wide trailer. That's the kind of guy I want in Washington spending my tax dollars.

Mike Huckabee inherited a 200 million dollar budget deficit and left office with a 844 million dollar surplus and his suggestion for the next administration was a sales tax elimination of food and a tax rebate to the citizens of Arkansas. He made the largest broad-based income tax cut in the history of Arkansas with the help of an 86% democratic caucus. He doubled the standard deduction and the child care credit. He eliminated the marriage penalty, indexed tax brackets to prevent bracket creep, reduced capital gains taxes on business and individuals and eliminated the capital gains tax on the sale of personal homes. Yet the media and other conservatives call him tax hike Mike. It wouldn't be fair the leave the story there. He was forced by the Arkansas supreme court to raise some taxes like the sales tax and gasoline tax to balance the budget, take care of health care costs, and to improve education. The people of Arkansas voted highly in favor of some of these use taxes on gasoline and cigarettes. The people of Arkansas apparently got back a great deal in return. The roads went from the bottom five (even considered the worst by some studies) to recently voted most improved by Trucker Magazine. The education system was ranked 49th in the nation, now they were ranked 8th just last week by Education Weeks Quality Counts 2008 study. I think common sense everyday people are OK with targeted taxes and use taxes when government gets results. Mike Huckabee got results. He governed his people and they loved him. Just this week the CEO's of Tyson foods, Alltel and Delta Bank in Arkansas endorsed Mike Huckabee. Some of the conservative Hollywood crowd like Chuck Norris have endorsed Huckabee. People I have a great deal of respect for like Zig Ziglar, have recently endorsed Mike Huckabee.

The time is now. Let's stop sitting around and letting this one get away. Let's get a man in the white house who will govern us. We have an opportunity here to make a statement- so far in my opinion we're failing. It's make me think of a quote from Mark Twain who said "I seldom was able to see an opportunity until it ceased to be one" My friends I think this man could be the one we let get away. It's obvious that the establishment in Washington and the conservative media does not want him. He makes them nervous. Let's send a message to America and to the world that our country is still a great one and it's still great because we know our unalienable rights are bestowed by the God of the bible.

Ways to get involved.

Attend a local meetup. You can find out information at .
Volunteer in Tennessee for Super Tuesday on Feb 5th.
Get on the phone tomorrow and call everyone you know in South Carolina. Make sure they go and vote for Mike Huckabee.
Email those you know in South Carolina.
Give this man some money. His campaign needs it. He has a lead in the latest national rasmussen poll. His campaign is for real.
Post on your personal blog for Huckabee.
Defend his record to those who know nothing more than the talking points they've heard.
Pray for him as fellow brother in Christ.

Remember there is only one who can give us the hope that endures and it's not Mike Huckabee- it's Jesus Christ the author and perfecter of our faith. I'm not trying to make politics an idol but I sure don't want to say I didn't give this man my all.

In Christ,

Bryce Raley

Thursday, January 17, 2008

BCS College Bowl System

35-51 days between last football regular season game and bowl games.
teams suspend players for year end grades
coaches leave
coaches come
new offenses are installed
new defenses are tested
4-5 weeks to prepare for one team
players get injured
entire teams get healthy
northern teams go to play in Phoenix, Orlando, San Antonio, and California
southern teams stay and play in Phoenix, Orlando, San Antonio, and California
teams who were hot lose their momentum
teams that were struggling regain their winning way
some teams play 11 games while some play 12 to get into their bowl game

Other than that the BCS works pretty well.

I'm a Kentucky and Louisville fan and love the SEC. So I'm not some kind of upset fan or cynic.

NCAA and NFL Football Replays

Anyone else sick of the "Replay"- the Red Challenge Flag- the extra 30-45 minutes per game, or the complacency of referees because of the "Replay".

I am!!!!!!

I have never liked replay- I'm OK with the imperfections in a game officiated my human beings. You see you can never eliminate the human factor in these games. There will still be biased referees. There will be certain calls or situations that can't be challenged. There will be plays that are just too close to call or overturn. There will be policies like the Cleveland field goals of the back brace which elude us.

In my opinion all that's happened with the addition of replay is the aforementioned problems.

The worst of which the referees complacency. Referees no miss calls that they are standing on top of- you ask why? Because the replay bails them out. They no longer have to be focus for 4 quarters. They can check out mentally and the replay will bail them out. Everyone knows it's true- just watch the games next year. You'll see obvious calls that referees can't pull the trigor on, because the know there's a replay.

Now baseball will add it because of all those home runs. Maybe we can add it to Saturday kids rec leagues.

My new blog

I'll be posting on the typcial guy topics. Sports, Business and Politics.

What else?

I also post daily for my business (Simplified Solutions LLC).

I do professional organizing, business consulting, personal productivity and simple web design.