Friday, May 30, 2008

Pork chops and ham hocks

OK, if Obama or Clinton are elected are we all going to have $2.50 gas, more money, low inflation, lower food prices, less taxes, more health care, a stronger dollar and a pork chop on our plates and ham hock in our soups?

I think many people actually believe this. I have not been a fan of the moderate at best Bush administration these last four years. I have not been a fan of the moderate at best congress the last 8 years. Now what has the democratic controlled congress done to make these changes happen in the last two years? They have a terrible approval rating.

Let's all get real and come together to make change in a positive way. I have an idea.

Less taxation.
Less lifetime politicians.
Less government regulation.
More freedom and power to our citizens.
A stricter adherence to our Constitution.
Protection of our soil and improvements in our infrastructure.

If we're going to respect the lives of Polar Bears, Spotted Owls and Caribou, then can't we take a serious look at respecting the lives of babies in the womb. I'm just glad that my mother and your mother (if you're reading this- you're alive) weren't pro choice.

Environmentally, I'm OK with protecting wildlife to some extent. I'm not in favor of giving them all our land and resources. I wonder what we'll do with those stubborn Tiger Seals who chuck penguins down their throat each day. They never limit themselves to just a few. Aren't they on board with Green Peace, PETA and the Sierra Club? Somebody better regulate these Seals and then we should look into African Crocodiles and Lions who eat Gazelles.

Let's be proactive yet reasonable. Let's work together without the special interest groups. I know this argument cuts both ways, but we still need to come together and compromise.

Southeast Christians latest sermon series

This has it all.

Are you struggling with being a mom or loving your wife.
Have you bought the lie that cohabiting is a good trial for marriage and that it's OK with God?
Have you been divorced or are struggling in your marriage?
Kids will be kids? Doesn't have to be that way.
Are you dealing with rebellious teens?
Are you having trouble respecting your fathers and husbands?

Half these sermons have been preached in the last few weeks and are available online free or can be purchased through the Living Word bookstore. The last 3 are coming up and will be preached by Dave and Kyle. If you've never been to Southeast Christian- all are welcome. You can even sneak in and out and no one will ever know. It's also OK if you've cursed the place and wished terrible things on its members (I'm guilty of this one). People are hungry and people at Southeast are being fed. I remember when Bob Russel was asked why so many people had joined this church over the years he said " People are hungry for God's word, and we plant more grass to feed upon" That's a paraphrase but it's close I believe.

Sport 4 Life Ministry

Well there back in town. Sport 4 Life, the Swedish equivalent of Fellowship Christian Athletes in the States, and its staff and founding missionary Paul Kobylarz are back in Louisville. Paul, and his director Uwe Lundgren, are back with several staff, guests and pastors to play on the annual Southeast Christian Men's Golf Trip. Yesterday we had a beautiful day for their annual golf scramble fundraiser at Nevel Meade Golf Course.

Paul, and Sport 4 Life, has a pretty neat story in regards to the founding around 17 years ago. Paul is from Detroit and played college hockey at Michigan. He played for a few years in the NHL and then went on a mission trip to Sweden. He never came back! Let me repeat that. He never came back! Wow, to me that is such a tremendous sacrifice to leave your own country at such a young age. I have been on a mission trip to one of Paul's golf camps in central Sweden in a town called Mulssjo near Jonkoping ( pronounced yern-sherp-ing). It is great to see how God is using Paul, Sport 4 Life, local churches and pastors to minister to a country where 97% don't know the Lord. Christianity is viewed more as a sect or cult than anything else. Well Paul and Sport 4 Life are changing this country one camp at a time. Paul also has a consultancy program with local churches and the neatest thing they do is probably their chaplaincy program. Paul was the official chaplain for the last Winter Olympics and is supposed to be slated to have the role again.

If your interested in making a trip to Sweden one day or helping fund this ministry contact me via the comments below or email me at

Don't look now- Kenny Perry's leading the Memorial

I posted last week about Kenny Perry's magificient obsession with making this years Ryder Cup in his homestate of Kentucky. He's at it again and making me look like a prophet. I mentioned in my last post that he hadn't missed a cut since January and had a 2nd, 3rd this year along with a top 15 at the Players. Well folks he leading at one of his favorite courses. He's leading Jack's tournament, the Memorial, at Muirfield Village.

Can he hold it together? It doesn't matter, he's in a zone. He can taste the Ryder Cup. It's fun to watch.

The College World Series at Rosenblatt Stadium

This is another one of those events each year that are simply nostalgic. Along with the Masters, US and British Opens in golf, the World Series in baseball, the first weekend of the NCAA tournament and the NFL playoffs.

If you ever played baseball in little league, high school or college then this takes you back there. These guys hustle. I love it when a college player gets walked and they sprint to first base. Won't see that in the Majors.

It doesn't get any better than the atmosphere you see at Rosenblatt Stadium. It's just around the corner!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Life's coincidences

As I was typing the titles for my blogs last night into my weekly email; I listened to Peter J Daniels video in the background. Peter Daniels was speaking about focus and life goals. He was mentioning stories of great heroes from the bible and from history. As I was typing my entry about Kenny Perry, I thought about a concept I had read about years ago. I thought about the term magnificent obsession. I had not used this term or pondered it for years. It seemed like the term to use for Kenny Perry's focus. When you see Kenny Perry's focus in his eyes, no other phrase seemed to capture it. As I started to type the very two words MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION- I heard them echoed from Peter J Daniels video playing in the background. What a coincidence. How astronomical are the odds that I would type this phrase the very minute that Peter J Daniels would say the term on his speech. I wouldn't even want to guess. The odds may scare me. Was it coincidence or providence? Do I need to focus on my MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION?

Magnificient Obsession- Kenny Perry and the Ryder Cup

I was sitting around last night thinking about a good topic for sports this week. I haven't been following much baseball and the NBA is still in the semifinals- if you can believe it. I thought well, there is always golf.

It seems to me that Kenny Perry has developed a magnificent obsession to make the 2008 Ryder Cup Team, which will play at Vahalla Golf Club in Perry's home state Kentucky. If you look at his track record the past few years, there is not a lot to speak of other than a great year in 2005. This year he looks like a different man. He has developed what the great insurance pioneer, W Clement Stone, called a Magnificent Obsession. Perry looks consumed with this goal. He was in the last group at the Players. He finished 2nd last week after losing in a playoff. He had a 3rd place earlier this year at the Bob Hope and he hasn't missed a cut since January. He has his sights set and I bet he reaches his goal.

What if we all could make a decision as to what we actually want- and then move toward it with a magnificent obsession to reach our goal?

Are you still trying to fill that God-shaped void in your heart?

I am seeing it more and more these days. I hear of attempted suicides, actual suicides, major depression battles. I hear stories of people who cannot cope with the world today and its changes. I watch people who cannot cope with the loss of a loved one or good friend. I read about celebrities who thought they had everything but truly seem very unhappy and unsettled. I see people turning to every type of thing to distract them from life.

Billy Graham among others, has said that we are all created with a God-shaped void in our hearts. We spend our lives trying to fill it with everything but God. We turn to drugs, alcohol, parties, career, sex, lust, sports, hobbies, money, relationships and the list goes on and on. I am as guilty as anyone else. The only difference is I made a decision. My decision and baptism on January 12, 2002 was to turn my life over to Jesus Christ and to find my hope in him. He never lets you down. He always fulfills. He is the alpha and the omega. The second thing for those who have become Christians is to realize that this home is temporary, and our true home is in heaven- a perfect dwelling with the Lord.

If you don't know the Lord, life will be tough. If you do know the Lord, life is still tough but we know how the movie- game-story- chapter ends.

Ron Paul- What do you make of him?

Some people think he is a kook. Other people think he's on the fringe. I think he is on the right track. I supported Mike Huckabee as many of you know during the primaries, however, I was intrigued by Ron Paul's commitment to fiscal conservatism and strict constitutionalists thinking. Of course Paul has things I don't agree with, like pulling out of the war immediately - without analyzing the costs (IE Cambodia with Vietnam). It is just such a touchy issue- the war. Some support it, others are appalled by it and then they are those of us in the middle. If you look at history and took the same approach, would we have saved a country like Australia during World War II if we took a isolationist and protectionist approach to our foreign policy? What about the French and other European countries?. What about Kuwait in the first Gulf War?

Here is where I agree with Ron Paul. We have gotten a little too involved in nation building. We are spread too thin, and if we can't defend our own border and our country is in deep debt; then what good are we to the world. Balance this with the fact that I feel quite safe on US soil- that is something I didn't believe would hold true after 911. We are fighting the enemy abroad and haven't had an attack on local soil- that is a very good thing. How can we strike a balance?

Ron Paul is probably more of a Libertarian than a Republican. I don't believe anyone would deny that, but definitions tend to change over time. I wouldn't call most of our republicans- conservatives these days. They spend lots of money we don't have. They get involved with creating new government programs and initiatives instead of fewer programs. They don't stand up for our constitutional freedoms. Ron Paul and many Libertarians are also pro life due to the issue of life and justice in our founding documents.

For much better discussions of Ron Paul's effect on the political landscape I recommend reading Doug Wead's blog or Eric Schansberg's blog.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

We're going modern

Ashley and I are going to sell some of our excess stuff and use the money to buy some more simplistic, minimalistic, modern furniture.

We both agree that we love the sleekness and clean edges. We love the practicality and the form and function of modern furnishings.

We also do not like excess or clutter in our home or life.

We rarely shop for anything other than groceries and staples so this is a big deal in the Raley household.

I'll include some pictures once we're finished.

Paul Goydos and Sergio at the Players

Watching golf this past Sunday was quite enjoyable for me. Typically, when I'm watching the final round coverage on Sundays; I pull for certain guys and against others. That was not the case at the Players Championship this past week.

I had so many things to pull for and nothing to pull against. From the start I wanted to see Goydos pull it off. He played such courageous golf all week and he is the eternal journeyman. He is a grinder- which is my personality and the way I play the game. Goydos has won twice on the tour and as recently as early 2007. He made an appearance at the Masters in 2007 and had a great year. I wanted to see him win the big one, but I was OK if he didn't. After seeing the way he approaches the game and the way he handled the defeat; I was relieved.

On the other hand, I was pulling or Bernhard Langer because he is very involved with FCA and the tour bible study. I always pull for Baddelay, Zach Johnson and the other Christian golfers. I love pulling Phil along but he just won last year and has 3 majors under his belt. I had my man Fred Couples to cheer on. Fred amazes me! He plays through back injuries and with very little practice comes out and has 3 top tens and a 15th this week at the Players. I hoped that Kenny Perry would have a good showing catapulting him up the Ryder Cup standings for an appearance at Louisville's own Valhalla later this fall. Jeff Quinney played so well for a young guy on tour. He has yet to win but has so much time and potential ahead of him. Now we're left with Sergio. Partly, I'm happy for him to win the 5th major. Partly, I'm happy that the media may leave him alone now. Partly, I'm happy because he does seem like a hard worker and he hadn't won since 2005. That is a stat I wasn't aware of until Sunday.

In conclusion, I thought Sergio handled himself really well. He had some good humor with his thank you to Tiger for not showing up this week. Hopefully, the talking heads will move on to another promising player or veteran who is due for a win.

Indiana Jones and Prince Caspian

It takes quite a while for my wife and I to find movies that are suitable and interesting enough to watch. I get excited a few times per year anticipating new movies. This past year went saw National Treasure II and it was great in my opinion. It wasn't as good as the first but it was still very enjoyable. We occasionally miss a movie at the theatres and catch it later on video. We are Marshall and Facing the Giants are great examples.

Right now I'm excited to plan a matinee for Indiana Jones and Prince Caspian. First, Indiana Jones was always my second favorite trilogy next to Star Wars. I loved geography and archeology as a kid so Indiana Jones gives me my fix. As far as Narnia and Prince Caspian, we loved the first movie and can't wait to see the second. Narnia hits theatres this Friday May 16th, while Indiana Jones starts Memorial weekend.

Celtics versus Lakers

The resurgence of the Celtics this year is causing a certain nostalgia. I feel like a kid again. I remember shooting ball in my grandparents backyard while Larry Bird and Magic Johnson fought it out on the court. It 1984-1985-1987 it was Celtics versus Lakers predominantly- with a few moments of Dr J mixed in here and there. The thing I always forget was that the 80's was a resurgence of the rivalry from the 1960's.

Wouldn't it be great to see a Boston vs LA series in June? June is about the only time I watch the NBA. It starts in November and goes until June, that's a bit much isn't it? It's like joining a bowling league. I've only done that once and regretted it half the year.

In the 80's it was

Larry Bird
Kevin McHale
Robert Parrish
Dennis Johnson
Danny Ainge

Magic Johnson
Byron Scott
Kurt Rambis
Kareem Abdul Jabar
James Worthy

Will this current rivalry come together?

Peter J Daniels

I'll have some embedded video links from Peter. He is probably my hero aside from Jesus. I have read his autbiography, and most of his books. I have watched his DVD's and listened to his speeches. I have corresponded with him a few times on email and spoken to him on the telephone.

He is such an amazing Christian man. I recommend to engross yourself in his works. You'll never be the same.

The links are coming soon!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Is community and the cottage industry on the rise again?

With the rise in gas prices, the looming recession and the cost of consumer staples going out of the roof- are we going to see a a rise in communities like Norton Commons or Signature Point? The all inclusive communities where you can work, live, play and shop. For all the negatives in socialist countries like Sweden they have many positives too. I was amazed when I traveled there to see people riding bikes and taking public transportation. People living in little communities where stores are in walking distance. There is something very appealing to me about this neighborhood feel. When I grew up in the South End of Louisville by Churchill downs- we were within walking distance of several small mom and pop shops. The dentist, the doctor, the baker, the barber, the beauty parlor, the laundry mat, the grocer, the druggist and the attorney were all two blocks away on the corner.

I'm only 32 guys. This wasn't like little house on the prairie.

The way I see it people are going to reduce their transportation and work from home more. It's already been shifting this way for years. People are going to opt for all inclusive communities like Norton Commons. People are going to move into the city or at least into the old neighborhoods that are in close proximity to shops and business. People are going to begin shopping even more heavily online. People are going to need to become much more efficient, organized and live a simpler lifestyle. This is hopefully where I can capitalize. Call me if you want to simplify your life.. home.. business .. or finances. Want to get organized and sell all the stuff your getting rid of? Visit us here

I wouldn't want to be a suburban developer unless I was a masterful marketer. I know of a few in Louisville who are masterful marketers. For the rest- take notice. I am a simple guy with limited knowledge, but I feel my intuition is right on with this one.

A Natural Remedy for acid reflux and gerd

For years I have battled acid reflux. Maybe I drank too many pops as a child or I've eaten too many fried foods through the years. I've heard that the carbonation in cokes will deplete your stomach acid and that most acid reflux sufferers actually have a lack of acid instead of a surplus of it in their stomach.

I bought an online report and it affirmed some things I've tried in the past with a few small tweaks and a couple added ingredients. Presto, I'm off the Prilosec and living without the reflux for over a month now.

What have I done. I have had a large glass of water a couple times per day with a shot of Bragg's apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey. On top of this I eat one red apple per day after my most risky meal or late before bedtime.

I had reflux so bad that I took the only medication of any kind I've had in the last 10 years. I've had no antibiotics, no tylenol, advil, alleve, whatever. I've had no prescriptions. I gave in and took the Prilosec and to be honest in worked like a charm initially. I could eat whatever I wanted and avoided heartburn. As months passed by, I realized the effects were wearing off and I started to feel stinging pain under my breastbone. I realized that the band aid had worn off. Pepcids worked too but really got to my stomach if abused. I also believe these products lead to other health challenges but I am no Doctor and nothing said here is meant to treat cure or diagnose any health problems. Isn't it crazy that we have to guard our speech so much with disclaimers and warnings thanks to the death of common sense. If you have questions or would like to know where I purchased this report- then please make a comment below.

Christianity has shaped history no matter what we make our history books say!

I took about 45 minutes the other day to review a PowerPoint presentation my friend from Church Dave McConnell put together. From my memory Dave taught a course at Southeast Christian on Church History. I remember going to his home at one point and borrowing the CD with this presentation. That had no be 2 years ago, but I rarely lose anything, especially if it belongs to someone else. It has been sitting in a folder with the label "return to others". Since I haven't seen Dave I've been holding onto this presentation also hoping to read through it at some point. Well as I said, I went through it this week.

Some of the info was review. Some information was new to me. Some information was eye opening. The takeaway I had was that history has been utterly impacted, guided and directed by Jesus Christ and his life, death and resurrection. Most of our history in the ancient world- most of our art- most of our architecture- most of our new discoveries- most of our great people came as a result of Christianity. They can revise the textbooks all they want but students and teachers will always come back to a Jewish carpenter who lived only 33 years on earth, died a substitute death, rose from the dead, divided time and created a following based on love, and let's be honest not even the gates of hades will not overcome Christ's church.

The Southeast Men's Golf Trip

It's right around the corner. I can't wait. This is one of the highlights of my year.

6 rounds of golf at 4 really nice courses- three nights in a hotel with all your meals for $385.

Great relationships built over the years with good Christian men.

Great fellowship and laughter.

Great meals. Great meals. The food is wonderful at the Holiday Inn. You wouldn't believe me unless you'd been.

The two man scrambles in the afternoon. The talk at night over who shot what and how.

The devotions led every year by wonderful lay teachers and staff.

June 1-4 I'll be there as Eugene Deporter says, in heaven- east Tennessee. As a big blue Kentucky fan I can honestly say that Eugene is right. On this trip at this time of year, it's pretty close to heaven.

Energy Policy

Don't we all want the US to be more competitive in the world markets? Don't we want a better valued dollar? Don't we want more independence from foreign oil? Don't we want to move toward new sources of energy? Don't we all want to become more efficient and more effective in our methods? Don't we want to do all these things in a quick fashion?

Let's start investing big dollars by providing big incentives to find new sources of energy.

Let's use the natural resources we have in the gulf of Mexico and in Alaska.

Let's end this madness and stop blaming big oil companies and greedy politicians. Those arguments cut both ways and solve nothing.

We're not going to hurt a pack a of reindeer's. Even if we did at some point doesn't humanity supersede the needs of animals. So if we lose our county but save a pack of caribou are we noble people? In the bible we are told two balancing mandates. We are told be take dominion over and subdue the earth. So it seems we're not going to offend God if we rule the earth and the animals on it. Secondly, we are called to be good stewards of what God has entrusted us with. Contrast this with some liberal ideologies and we can find a balance with them. As good little conservatives and good little liberals we can come together on this issue with give and take. Conservatives need to lose an arrogant mentality about our dominion and liberals need to realize that we can make efforts to protect wildlife- but there is no place for PETA at this table my friends.

Let's reduce government programs and thus reduce government spending. It times of recession we must simplify. We must cut away all the fat and become lean. We must move and adapt quick. If we do not this democracy which is still very young in relation to history will become a stepping stone of China, India and the European Union.

I like what Dennis Miller said " We only have 50 states, and we've given our largest one to a pack of reindeer that couldn't make Santa's show"

SECC Volunteer Sermon

I am so glad that a sermon about service found it's way to the pulpit. It has been much overdue. When I came to Southeast Christian church 7 years ago kicking and screaming and hurling violent insults about the place- it was the spirit of love and heart for service that told me something was different here. These people were moved by something and I wanted what they had. Turns out what they had was a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I knew Jesus from my upbringing. I didn't know anything about his word. I didn't understand that we wanted me to turn my life over to him- to die to this life and rise with him to new life in the waters of baptism.

The reason why I kept coming back to Southeast was twofold. First I had a very caring couple who witnessed to me and shepherded me back each week. Second, I saw that spirit of love and service from the greeters, the ushers, the worship team, the drama staff, the nursery workers and so many more. I started volunteering in many areas around the church when I gave my life to Christ. My wife and I still do volunteer in many capacities at Southeast.

That spirit of service made this church a bright shining light and we have lost our way. I see times when there are no greeters. The ushers look like a makeshift unit thrown together in haste. We couldn't get our children in the nursery for 6 out of 7 weeks last summer. We're members we can deal with it, but what about the guests. We used to have two large pushes each year and encouragement to serve via registration forms. We used to see listings for every area that needed fresh new volunteers. We have lost our way. The sermon was good, but we need some elbow grease behind the words. Let's see some action to make this problem right.

Let's serve in the community but let's serve the community that has showed up on our doorstep saying "can I come in".

Clinton or Obama

Who will win the democratic nomination? I've heard the the headlines and the main drive by media folks are saying that it's over. Obama has won. Isn't this about the 5th time they have made that conjecture since the fall primaries began. I'm still not convinced he is the winner here.

I'm obviously not a fan of either, just as I'm not a fan of McCain. It's no surprise that my guy was Huckabee and if it wasn't going to be him, then I would lean toward a Libertarian candidate. My only problem is it would have to be a pro life Libertarian and one who wasn't dogmatic about leaving Iraq.

So in getting back to the dems. What gives Obama the upper hand for the nomination? Rev Wright or Obama's ties with other radicals? Does anyone really think Clinton is going to back down and not take this argument to the convention. Will all the emotional Obama supporters show up in the fall on election day? What if MTV or VHI has a marathon of real world's on that particular day? What if a really great festival is coming to town? These young emotionalised voters have a pretty whimsical track record. Will they show up now that they've made their statement in the primaries?

I do not like the Clintons. I do not like Obama. I have studied socialism, Marxism and communism. I have visited countries where they are practiced. I was not impressed. These types of governments have been field tested all over the world and have failed. I honestly believe that the Clintons will move much farther back toward the moderate middle than Obama - if elected.

November and the after will be very important in solving our country's tough problems. There is a laundry list you know.

Burglary Prevention Tips

One of our neighbors vehicles was broken into recently. Among the things stolen were golf clubs and a cd player. I guess its standard procedure for the police to leave door hangers in any neighborhood with a recent theft. I'm sure that will be all of our neighborhoods with the recessionary environment were heading into.

Hear are the tips.

Install quality locks and deadbolts.

Lock all doors and windows.

Keep your home well lit at night.

Mark and photograph your property.

Use time sensors and electronics while away from home.

Install/Utilize security and alarm systems.

Report suspicious persons or vehicles.

A few are obvious. A few are practical. A few are not for the faint at heart.

I would add these steps.

Keep your important documents and valuables in a fireproof/waterproof safe.

Organize your garage so you can park in it. This will prevent theft and avoid storm damage.

Know where you wallet, keys and personal belongings are at all times by having a designated home for these items.

Put the dog out back during the warm months.

Prayer for God to put a hedge of protection around your family. They can have the stuff. I'm concerned about my wife and children.

McCain and Huckabee stumping together

I got word from a credible source in the Louisville meetup for Huckabee group that all the likely figures will be in town next week for the NRA convention in Louisville.

Doug Wead has written a blog on his thoughts about Kay Bailey Hutchinson as VEEP. She will be on the panel.

Many still think it will be Mitt Romney- he's on the panel.

I'm still holding out hope for Huckabee- he's on the panel and was stumping with John McCain a few times over the last several weeks.

John McCain himself is supposed to address the group.

Other notables in attendance are Karl Rove, Oliver North and Mitch McConnell. Oh yes and our newly elected democratic governor Steve Beshear. Not sure of how he fits in here, it must be for posterity.

Zig Ziglars Health Update

For many years individuals in sales and the corporate world have benefited from the speeches, training and wisdom from Zig Ziglar. I've heard the pastor of my church Dave Stone and our former pastor Bob Russell quote Zig many a time. I own several of his tape packs and many of his books. I have mined nuggets of wisdom from his work for over 10 years of my life, but his influence spans so much farther back.

The reason why I bring this up in that I found out through his weekly newsletter that Zig has suffered some health setbacks. Of course he, his family and his staff are handling them just as you would expect Zig to handle them- with a positive attitude and with his strong Christian faith.

Zig is still conducting his seminars in new creative ways because of his lack of mobility. If you want to read more, click the link to his website in the header or sign up for his weekly email.

Keep this great man in your prayers. His has seemed to devote so much of his time in the last several years to sharing Christ in a bold way.