Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Chip Ingrams message at Southeast

Wow what a message a few weeks back.

I am quite the compulsive personality as my friends and family know. I couldn't wait to get Ingram's book "Good to Great" in God's eyes. It was based on the business book of the same title by Jim Collins. I purchased it the Sunday night after Chip preached at Southeast Christian.

I have read the first 3 chapters and they take me back to my infant days as a Christian. When I first accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord savior in the fall of 2001, I later symbolized the decision in my heart with a public baptism by immersion. At that time I was on fire; sharing my faith, studying God's word, praying fervently, reading Christian books, ministering and volunteering, memorizing scripture, and learning from great people. Just like so many things in life, the old cliche has gotten me again. Chip Ingram's message made me realize that these actions above worked so well, that I stopped doing them. No reason. Isn't it funny how we arbitrarily stop doing the things that work. Most of the apostle Paul's letters talk about pressing on , continuing to sow with perseverance, finishing the race, staying with proven principles. Yet how often do we let others, or the media, or negative people, or the evil one get us off track for no good reason.

I have recommitted myself to memorizing scripture, reading Christian books and finding great Christians to mentor me. That's just chapters 1-3. I'll summarize more later.

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