Friday, May 30, 2008

Pork chops and ham hocks

OK, if Obama or Clinton are elected are we all going to have $2.50 gas, more money, low inflation, lower food prices, less taxes, more health care, a stronger dollar and a pork chop on our plates and ham hock in our soups?

I think many people actually believe this. I have not been a fan of the moderate at best Bush administration these last four years. I have not been a fan of the moderate at best congress the last 8 years. Now what has the democratic controlled congress done to make these changes happen in the last two years? They have a terrible approval rating.

Let's all get real and come together to make change in a positive way. I have an idea.

Less taxation.
Less lifetime politicians.
Less government regulation.
More freedom and power to our citizens.
A stricter adherence to our Constitution.
Protection of our soil and improvements in our infrastructure.

If we're going to respect the lives of Polar Bears, Spotted Owls and Caribou, then can't we take a serious look at respecting the lives of babies in the womb. I'm just glad that my mother and your mother (if you're reading this- you're alive) weren't pro choice.

Environmentally, I'm OK with protecting wildlife to some extent. I'm not in favor of giving them all our land and resources. I wonder what we'll do with those stubborn Tiger Seals who chuck penguins down their throat each day. They never limit themselves to just a few. Aren't they on board with Green Peace, PETA and the Sierra Club? Somebody better regulate these Seals and then we should look into African Crocodiles and Lions who eat Gazelles.

Let's be proactive yet reasonable. Let's work together without the special interest groups. I know this argument cuts both ways, but we still need to come together and compromise.

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