Sunday, July 27, 2008

Chiropractic Care- Try it!

I tried Chiropractic a few years back with a good friend of mine from church and he really fixed up my lower back. After 6-7 visits I was really feeling great and I became a believer.

I went a few years without care or adjustments- it's funny how we quit doing things that work. I started to have neck problems recently and it was affecting my golf game and my ability to back out of the driveway.

After several sessions and a treatment plan including traction, adjustments, physical therapy, exercise and massage I am noticing a huge difference.

If you're having problems and pain, try the natural route- try Chiropractic.

In Mount Washington or Bardstown Road area I would recommend my friend Doc Steve Viola. If you're in the Middletown area I would recommend Dr. Patrick Lowe at Lowe Chiropractic and Wellness. The title bar is a link to his website.

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